Spare Parts & Accessories.

Bossar guarantees quick, worldwide delivery of original parts. The essential spare parts are always readily available from our stock and shipment-ready. In-house tooling workshop = Responsiveness at its best.

Spare Parts.

We have a program of special offers to help our customers keep parts in stock at their premises and have the necessary items available when regular maintenance activities are performed. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


Bossar’s machines are very versatile, and new pouch formats – even total shaped pouches or other accessories to change the pouch’s look – can be easily adapted to an existing machine.

The in-house tooling workshop at our factory enables us to machine all the critical components to reduce lead times and optimize quality and service.

At Bossar, we adapt to your needs and can supply you with any standard or personalized accessory, whether to change the type of sealer or the pouch appearance.

All accessories are assembled and tested at our plant before shipping for installation at the customer, as well as the necessary information for their assembly.

We always provide the original Bossar parts and accessories. We ensure the best quality for our products, and offer our customers a warranty period.

Spare parts & accessories

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